Aim of this website

Along my professional career and after having dedicated many hours studying cases of chest wall deformities, what really has attracted my attention is the number of affected people who suffer from one of these malformations and whose problem has not been resolved because they did not find around and in time an appropriate direction and suitable guidance. Therefore, they have to live all their lives with the burden of their weakness and the psychological consequences of it as well. It has been frequent to find parents who are carriers of the same handicap. They search in urgency a solution to the problem, so that the child does not have to live the agony they confess having suffered during all their lives. Still nowadays we also take notice of the great confusion that surrounds questions like where to address these patients in order to solve the problem and which specialist has to take the responsibility for the cure. Being this a surgery filled with controversy, it is very likely to come across a lack of a protocolized guidance when advising patients for their best -either for its indication, the high morbidity, the diverse techniques and different results, and given that most of the times it is carried out on patients who lack symptoms but they present a big psychological component.

As for all this, when I was asked to collaborate giving light to this informative web page so that I could advice in the management of the chest wall handicap, I did not doubt for a moment in helping for this project, since I think that it is important a website of the kind and also I am sure it will help many people who are suffering from these problems.
The web issues from the wish of the Carreras family from Palma de Mallorca. Their son, Nacho, had suffered an important Pectus Excavatum which was treated and finally solved, but unfortunately his destiny pursued a fatal end. I feel lucky to have met them and lived together all the difficulties of Nacho's pectus. They really hope to honour his memory working on something which for sure will help many families with similar problems. I think this is a great gesture with practical arrangements.

This website is structured under a basic theoretical explanation on the different aspects of the malformation and an informative forum on what location and in which moment is the problem better to be solved.

Finding myself in the last stage of my professional career, I hope wellbeing and time accompany me in order to carry out this project. I will always be available to you  for any advice you may ask on this theme and from time to time I will response all the questions exposed in the website.

Kind regards

Dr. L. Bento Bravo
Head of pediatric surgery service.
Hospital Virgen del Camino. Pamplona

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