Pectus Forum collaborators

Those responsible for this website we want to thank a very special enthusiasm and great collaboration of a wonderful team. Without them this project would not have seen the light.
Thanks for believing in the idea, for their work and their willingness to collaborate and help others.
The goal of all of us was to create a portal to support parents and patients with pectus pathology.
This is the starting point, since this is a site open to new collaborations, and are sure to be kept alive and updated thanks for the contributions in the forum.


-Dr. Donald Nuss
-Dr. Leoncio Bento.
-Dr. Roberto de Inocencio
-Dr. Tito Hidalgo
-Dr. Antonio González


-Sra. María José Gil

Col.legi Oficial de Metges Illes Balears

Col.legi Oficial de Metges Illes Balears

Legal advice

-Dña. Maria Elena Graña
-Dña. Carmen Arranz
-D. Antonio Sintes

Computer production

-D. Carlos Permuy
-D. Lluís Coll
-D. Carlos Florit
-Equipo técnico de Infotelecom Networks S.L.

Audio and sound creation

-Don Miguel Barceló
-Don Mario de Inocencio

Web coordination

-Dña. María José Moreda
-D. Marcel Carreras
-D. Xavier Carreras

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